Where did University of Michigan Law School students go to college?

Which colleges send the most students to the University of Michigan Law School?

For the class entering in 2020, these are the colleges that sent the most student to University of Michigan Law SchooL. There were 309 entering students and 159 colleges were represented :

  1. Michigan - 30
  2. UChicago - 10
  3. Princeton - 9
  4. Michigan State - 7
  5. Berkeley / Georgetown / UVA - 6
  6. Cornell / Harvard / Duke / Columbia - 5
  7. UCLA - 4
  8. George Washington / UT - Austin / Vanderbilt / Penn / Wayne State Brigham Young / Alabama, Tuscaloosa / Penn State / Arizona State / Albion College / Boston U / UNC / USCB - 3


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